
How To – Mix The Perfect Groundbait

Ground bait is used in various angling situations and is a fantastic fish attractor, whether on a feeder, with a pole pot or thrown in. Groundbait is an incredibly versatile bait that works well in natural and commercial venues. Here’s a simple guide on how to mix the perfect ground bait for commercial carp fishing;

Required Items



18ltr Bucket


Step 1

Pouring your groundbait

Pour your required amount of groundbait into a large 18-litre bucket.

Step 2

Adding water

Add water to the mix, little and often, to the groundbait until it becomes damp and heavier.

Step 3

Mixing the groundbait

Mix the groundbait thoroughly to ensure all remaining particles are fully mixed with the water. Then, once you have added enough water to the mix (to make it heavy and damp), leave it to soak up for 20-30 minutes.

Step 4

Riddling the groundbait

After the groundbait has soaked up the water, empty the ground bait onto a riddle and pass the ground bait through to remove any larger lumps, leaving a fluffier, more even mix. Then, put it into an EVA bowl with a lid to prevent the mix from drying out.

If you are looking for more information to help you with your angling, please be sure to check out the remainder of our how-to guides, and please refer to the glossary for assistance with any terminology.



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