
Andy Bennet's 5 Tips To Improving Your Maggot Fishing This Winter

When it comes to winter fishing with maggots, success hinges on thoughtful strategy and adaptability. Maggots are a deadly bait during winter and especially on commercial fisheries. So, selecting the right line location, fine-tuning feeding strategies in response to fish behaviour, and using well-matched rig setups and hook sizes are essential to maximising catch rates in colder conditions. Adaptability is critical: rotating between different lines and observing fish movements can significantly enhance your approach. Therefore, we got Andy Bennett to share his top five tips for making the most of fishing with maggots during winter.

The location and depth of the lines are crucial

Start by carefully selecting 2-3 lines, each with slightly different depths and distances from the bank, where possible. This will allow you to target fish at various depths and locations within the lake, giving you multiple options for finding where the fish are holding. Choosing the right spots to fish is critical, as the fish may be positioned differently depending on factors like wind, weed, and cover.



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Correct lines can make or break a session.

Feeding the right amount of bait at the right time is key

Start conservatively at the beginning of your session or match, feeding small amounts, like 10 maggots at a time, to gauge the fish's response. Then, adjust the feeding rate and quantity based on your target species. For small silverfish like roach, start by topping up with 10 maggots at a time.

However, when targeting species like F1s, increase the amount of bait, putting in around 15-20 maggots or up to 25-30 maggots at a time. The key is adjusting the feeding rate and quantity based on what you are catching at the time. It is important to remember that overfeeding can deter the fish while underfeeding may not attract them, so finding the right balance is essential. So, monitoring the peg's response and adapting the feeding strategy is crucial.



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Store your maggots perfectly in the Guru Fusion Ventilator.

Use hook sizes that match the bait

This attention to detail will help maximise the number of bites and minimise foul-hooking when fishing with maggots. If you foul-hook fish, sometimes it's because your bait is too big. A single maggot can be a good solution. Still, it is essential to experiment and be versatile, so try single and double maggot approaches.



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Andy Bennett, ""For a single maggot, I use a 20s F1 maggot. For double maggot, I use an 18 F1 maggot."

Matching the hook to the bait is an important detail that helps optimise the presentation and effectiveness of the terminal tackle. However, this allows the fish to take the bait more efficiently and reduces foul-hooking chances. Consequently, your catch rate will increase.



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Inside Bennett's rig box.

Rotate between different lines to keep the fish interested

By rotating different lines throughout your session or match, you can bounce the fish between them, keeping them active and interested in your baited areas. If one line starts to slow down, you can move to another, allowing the first line to rest and potentially recharge. This rotation helps maintain a steady catch rate throughout the entire session or match.



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Andy has mastered the art of rotating lines.

Be adaptable and let the fish guide your approach

Lastly, you must be willing to try different tactics if the fish aren't responding to your initial approach.



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Andy Bennet, "Don't just think that 20 maggots are going to be the answer to everything all day."

It is also important to recognise when a line is no longer productive and boldly switch to a different setup, even if it means abandoning a line where you had earlier success. Closely observe the fish's behaviour and adjust accordingly. Master this skill, and you will maximise your catch rate when fishing with maggots in winter.

Suppose you want to learn more about Andy Bennett's Winter Maggot Fishing. In that case, you can watch his full F1 Maggot Fishing Secrets video below.



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